Hannah's World!

Hannah's World!
A Character

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hannah is 10.5 months old now. We're in the stage when she is doing something new every day. She babbles up a storm & it seems 'Da' is her first word...for Daddy of course! Although 'NnGg' is a close second for our dog, Nugget. She's picking up on more than I realize. Just yesterday I said 'I hear Nugget outside.'  She turned around in her exer-saucer & pointed to the back door.
She gets excited when I say 'outside' - she loves it! She loves the trees, leaves, breeze. She can identify more & more things in her books & toys. It really amazes me what they learn so quickly.
And Elmo is still one of her favorites!
We spend our day on at least one, usually two, good strolls, playing in the floor with stuffed animals and toys, playing in her exer-saucer (where she sits in the middle & turns herself around to play with toys), & reading (she loves books). My mom had kept my favorite books from when I was a baby & toddler, and what do you know, those are Hannah's favorites as well!

She is a great eater but still no teeth. We're slowly introducing more table food but it has to go through the food processor a good fork mashing.  She does not like foods with texture & spits out even the baby snacks that melt in their mouths. Funny though, she'll put anything else in her mouth!

 She's finally wearing her 9 mo clothing - so she's 'catching up'! Ha!

She is starting to show signs of pulling up on things (with our help) and can stand with our assistance.  She's still not fond of tummy time but has gotten better & rolls herself around in her crib. Actually, you'll leave her in one place only to come back & find that she's rolled herself around to be upside down & on the other end of the crib from where you left her. I don't think she's going to be a crawler though.

She's happy, happy, happy! Thanks for checking in!