Hannah's World!

Hannah's World!
A Character

Saturday, December 15, 2007

All's Well

Everything is going as it should be. Sleep at night is sufficient, say, 3 or 4 hours. Healthy eating, pooping, crying and times of contentment is a part of every day. Sharon is a FABULOUS mother. Sarah is an ideal sister. I'm doin' alright, I guess.

Life is heaven.

This is the point in blogging when I don't know what to say.

Let us know if you have questions. . . that might prompt me with things to say!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bitter Sweet

As I typed the last entry, we were waiting on Dr. Robbins to take care of an emergency plus a scheduled surgery. She finally came in around 3:00p.m. Sharon asked her, "how'd surgery go?" You know, a pretty gereral doctor-type of question. She said "not so good," which is cerainly something you DON'T expect the doctor to say. "Some days just stink." Turns out, going in to remove a cyst from a 24 year old single east indian girl, Dr. Robbins found advance staged ovarian cancer. One that is not detected through normal ovarian cancer tests. I forget the medical term she used for it.

Today is this girl's 25th birthday. She is weighing heavily on our hearts. Do pray for her.

On top of that news, we are home. We are safe, healthy. . . perfect.

Sharon is further on the mend. She made it up the stairs last night. Today, Saturday, she has spent her time sleeping, nursing, nursing again and she even organized and sorted for about 30 minutes. She then said, "ok that was my little outing for the day." So, she's been a good patient!

Hannah has been sleeping and nursing, being cute by making all those adorable sounds that infants make and then either sleeping or nursing some more. Did I mention the burping and other peripheral bodily functions she is displaying? Well, there is no need for another new parent blog that talks about that!

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm Goin' Home. . .

Hannah doesn't really care for that song, as it is overplayed. But still, word on the floor is, we're going home today. Dr Robbins is due to come by ANY moment to start us on a speedy discharge. right. Mommy and baby are fabulous. Mommy's a little sore here and there, but anxious to get home and live a little.

Many many thanks to our parents who have been here for us this week! I'll post more once we do actually get home and squared away.

Please come visit 1) if you're not sick and 2) if you call ahead of time!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Has anyone started singing Christmas songs with our baby in mind?

Today she is 3 days old. It has been an amazing 3 days. The first night was suppose to be the 'recovery sleep' period. But, if you don't know it, our family is just a little different. We can't just have things happen the way they're SUPPOSE to. Hannah was awake most of that first 24 hour period. The next night, we were graced with 6 hours straight of sleep. . . for all of us. Sharon woke in a panic because little one had not awoken yet. But was just fine. Let's see. I think I've changed about 38 diapers in these three days! Wonderful, nasty, sticky, all sorts of inappropriate verbage, diapers (Brad typing, BTW)!

We will find out this afternoon (Thursday) whether Sharon will be discharged tonight or tomorrow. Hannah has already been released. So, if y'all see her wandering down Holly Street, would you give us a call? jk. The pediatrition signed orders that release her when we are all ready.

You all rock! Thanks for your support. Bob, Libby, George, Scott, Laura, Sharon, Susan, Thank you so much for your visit! Hannah enjoyed meeting you!

Monday, December 3, 2007

And the Story Continues

This morning at 5:00a.m. the alarm clock sounded. I had actually slept! Sharon had been awake for the previous 5 hours. Nanny, Papa, Mimi and Sarah were scattered throughout the house in their various sleeping spots. After we all, except for Sharon, had a big breakfast casserole and some stout coffee ( Sarah had hot chocolate!), we left the house at 6:41a.m.

We got to the hospital on time and within 10 minutes Sharon and Brad were being escorted to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). It was all relatively nerve wracking! At 8:50, they wheeled Sharon into the OR. First step was the spinal anesthesia. The doctor let me be in the room for this procedure (which most anesthesiologist do not do). Dr Robbins, Sharon's ObGyn, was there by this time. She held Sharon's head in her arms as the anesth-ist treated her spinal column. This was huge to Sharon and I. It was pretty traumatic, but it was over in a few minutes.

The 'birth' took about 5 minutes or less. Dr. Robbins said from behind the sheet that blocked our delicate eyes from the surgury, "Dad, you better get your camera!" She held up our baby over the top of the sheet. I said to Sharon "Look at little Hannah Noel!". At first Sharon thought I was kidding. I've been teasing her for months about the sex of the baby.

Hannah Noel is a gift from our Lord. We praise Him!

You GOTTA meet this baby!